My domesticated human is hyperactive

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Claire, she does a million things : she teaches the mini z’hoomans a heap of totally useless tricks, she monopolizes the computer for I do not know what, she makes small drawings on the claws of the ladies, she is already in the committee of an association, she has just joined the committee of an other one, she gardens, she tinkers, she sews, and she found nothing of better than to prepare a craft market for Caturday*: she does not even have time to assist me the rare moments in the course of which the computer is free, and she annihilates my on-line presence !

She tires me, I swear you, she tires me…


* the craft market, it is for a good cause : as May 10th is World Lupus Day, a part of profits will be given to the research against rare diseases, an other one will serve to pay supplies.


8 thoughts on “My domesticated human is hyperactive

  1. angelswhisper2011

    Hey, Swiss Cat, when you wake up, you’ll see it all with different eyes 😉 *whispers* Granny, are you sure, can I..? Okay, here it comes..Double Pawkiss on top of your nose 🙂

  2. Marg

    Wow, your Mom is very very busy. She needs to come take a nap with you. Hope all of you have a super weekend. Take care.

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