What a strange allergy !

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Claire is allergic to ironing. For a long time. As soon as she sees an iron, she has palpitations, the volume of her voice increases, and her stock of swearwords overflows. It’s terrifying.

To avoid the crises, she’s grateful to limit her contacts with the iron at least : she irons a beautiful tablecloth for Christmas or for Easter, or another exceptional opportunity, but that’s it.

She has all the tricks to take place : she buys only clothes that don’t need to be ironed, she suspends carefully the washing on the threads, then fold it accurately, and she places the clean clothes below so that the weight of the pile acts like light ironing.

That’s the reason why I am grateful to oversee regularly the clothes cupboard and the laundry cupboard : I verify that there’s no crease, and if I find one, I lie down above to remove it.
Did you know that cat hair avoid crease ? Absolutely !

24 thoughts on “What a strange allergy !

  1. Deztinee High

    MOL Yous look so cute walkin’ wound there on da clean clothes. MOL Sis Lexi used to do dat too when they had a linen closet. Weez ot hav one now or me wuld twy it, cuz it suwe looks like fun.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  2. Summer

    My human is so allergic to ironing that she does not even own an iron! Her boyfriend irons sometimes, but she has no idea where he keeps his iron – and she does not want find out in case it gives her an allergy attack!

    1. Frimousse

      Her boy friend irons!
      So does my Master.
      When he removes the wax under my Mistress’s nordic skis!
      Don’t tell me your Mistress’s boy friend is a ‘pretty’ boy!

  3. da tabbies o trout towne

    pixie….we are cracking up over Claire’s post….allergic to ironing !!! good one….we will see if the food serviss gurl can develop an allergy to her place of employ !! ♥♥♥

  4. Timmy Tomcat

    Very good work Pixie. Funny but our Dad has the very same allergy. He has gotten some relief by gathering the laundry and sending it to Mr Lee. It comes back the next week all nice and folded.
    Too bad you are across the water

  5. LP

    We bet your Mama will treasure you forever Pixie since you can help out with the laundry “creasing” process! You are a good little helper! 🙂

    the critters in the cottage xo

  6. Kitties Blue

    Pixie, you are the best mommy’s little helper. Our mommy also is allergic to ironing. She will not do it for any reason. If our dad needs a shirt ironed, he has to do it himself. He doesn’t seem to mind. Thank COD. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

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