How to reconcile cats and works

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Pixie in the nail studio
The renovation work of the bathroom began for a week ; the first two days, it was infernal ! Nevertheless, Claire and Momo do their best so that we are the most comfortable possible : this is what your human can do in case of works so that it’s bearable :

  • Tell your cats that it’s going to have works there, that other people are going to come home, and that they will have no more access to a part of the house for a few days.
  • Plan to put your cats in the part of the house the most distant from the noise and from the agitation.
  • Prepare the living-room : a place for the food, a litter box in the opposite side or in a next room if possible; bring the favourite toys of your cats and their basket or their cover so that they feel safe.
  • As possible, stay with them in the room : your calm will help them to feel that the noise is unpleasant but that there is no danger.
  • If noises of machine (drill, grindstone) either big noises of demolition are to be planned during a whole day continuously or for several days, intend to go with your cats to a reliable person during this period.

Our isolation room is the nail studio with access to the garden, but as the house is small, we cannot say that we heard nothing !
Zorro listening in the garden

26 thoughts on “How to reconcile cats and works

  1. Athena

    That is very good advice. I get nervous when there are strange men in the house whenever we need to have work done, but my mum gets more nervous than me because she worries about me. This in turn makes me more nervous!

    Purrs xx

  2. Deztinee High

    Aaaaw y’all awe so cute. Sowwy yous had to be boddered wiff all da noises and peeps, but weez know yous wuz safe and sound and well taken cawe of. Gweat posty.

    Luv ya’


  3. Kitties Blue

    Pixie, you certainly are growing fast! We seem to be having something done at our house all the time. We have become friends with some of the workmen who come here quite often. Excellent advice. Thanks! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  4. LP

    Pixie you look very calm despite the renovations . Your pawrents are doing a good job keeping you safe and happy.

    You are turning into such a pretty girl! 🙂

    the critters in the cottage xo

  5. Colehaus Cats

    Be brave! And remember, once all the work is done, it’ll be fabulous! Maybe you’ll have an outdoor cat room (catio) or a ceiling cat walk or a huge box of toys! No? Well, there’s nothing wrong with hoping! Purrs….

  6. Summer

    My human did NONE of this at the old house when it was constantly being worked on. And here, when I came home, there was a big wall being built outside! It’s a good thing we are all such agreeable cats.

  7. Harvey Button

    This is very useful. Mum is still VERY grateful for your senior cat care post. We used to brush Peanut very once in a while. Now we brush her every day, we didn’t realise it was as important as it is. She is happier now (well as Miss Peanut can be!!)


  8. Robin

    Great tips! It can be really tough on kitties when strange people are coming in and out and their home is changing. I hope you kitties enjoy the changes in the bathroom when it is finished. I can bet that your Mom will be happy 🙂

  9. Canadian Cats

    We know its rough when men are in the house banging and carrying on. Mom got the kitchen renovated in the summer and luckily we spent all day outside with her….nights were kinda difficult as the bed was in the living room. Kali told me these things….I hadn’t been born yet.


  10. da tabbies o trout towne

    guys…next time, rent a plane N fly over heer two trout towne; ewe bee welcome to stay for az long as de house ….work…iz bein done !! ♥


  11. Raven

    Sounds like your humans tried as best they could to protect you from the construction noise and workmen. Those are all very good tips to help pets feel safe.

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