Strange pawty

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Loupi et Zorro juin 13Claire had her birthday this week ; she even changed decade. From our point of view, the pawty was rubbish, as for the presents which she received…

Judge rather : at first, his father (with the cooperation of some close friends) offered (her a stay of six days of “thalassotherapy”. That means that during a week she is going to dabble in some water (salted in more !), have baths, and even be covered with mud !! Ugh ! Berk ! That means in more that we are going to be abandoned, delivered to ourself (and handed over to neighbor’s care), because Momo goes with her…

Then, his father (still !) offered an outfit : the one that she already (wore at the release of the maternity hospital. Frankly, you believe that she still manages to put it on, you ? In our opinion, this poor sir is completely senile ! But it is not finished : in the reception of this present, Claire fetched in her turn something in her cupboard : the wubby which her great-grandmother offered her in her birth. Look, but look : it is grated, its nose is sewn on again an incalculable number of time, it stinks (after all these years), and it is not even a cat. None of us has the right to play with. And say that Momo criticized the stinky mousie of Zorro…il y a 40 ans

To finish, there was nothing to eat. Nothing at all. No single crumb, no leftover food for kittens. The apéritif was well served to home, but nobody deigned to make us enjoy the small appetizers, and then everybody left to the restaurant. Rubbish we say to you….

4 thoughts on “Strange pawty

  1. Tillie and Georgia

    Happy Birthday to Claire 🙂
    We purr she enjoyed her “Thalassotherapy”.
    The outfit is kinda cute but we think it would
    be a bit small 😉 heehee
    We also cannot believe there was no food for you 😮
    They did not even bring back goodies for you :/ sheesh
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

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