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2015 Nose-to-Nose Awards nominations are open ! !
Anyone, blogger or non-blogger, can nominate a blog for the Nose-to-Nose Awards.
Here are the categories :
- Best Pet Blog Design
- Best Written Pet Blog Post
- Best Pet Humor Blog
- Best Dog Blog
- Best Cat Blog
- Best New Pet Blog
- Best Cause Blog for or about pets
- Best Pet Video on a Blog
- Best Pet Photo on a Blog
- Best Pet Microblog – Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and Instagram
- Best Use of Social Media by a 501c3
- Additionally, this year, BlogPaws will recognize select blogs with a Certificate of Excellence in:
– Best series of posts
– Best collaborative posts
– Best About Page
Click here to go to the Nose-to-Nose nominations main page.
Just in case you would nominate us, here are some useful informations to fill out the nomination form :
– Contact Name for Creator of the Work being entered : Claire Bertolini
– Contact Email for the Creator of the Work being entered :
– Blog Address :
– BlogPaws Community Profile Page of nominee : Claire Bertolini &The Swiss Cats
– Facebook page of nominee :
– Twitter account of nominee :
You can nominate us in as many categories as you want to, but please skip the Best Dog Blog category, OK ?
We’re a little bit shy, and we don’t think we apply to ALL categories, but you may have different ideas than us !
Here are our ideas :
Best Pet Blog Design
If you nominate us for Best Pet Blog Design, all you need are the informations listed above.
Best Written Pet Blog Post
If you nominate us for Best Written Blog Post, you’ll need to provide a link to the post you’re nominating. Our favorites are :
How to stitch without thread nor staple
How to help an old cat to stay clean
How to make your old cat happy
Best Pet Photo on a Blog
If you nominate us for Best Pet Photo on a Blog, you’ll need to provide a link to the photo you’re nominating. Our favorites are :
Do you think different ? No problem, you can nominate us in as many categories as you want to !
Deadline to nominate : January 31, 2015
Click here to go to the Nose-to-Nose nominations main page.
Oh, guys, this must be so exciting.. well, here’s a nose-Pawkiss for a Happy Weekend 🙂 <3
…AND Good Luck <3
*blush* Thank you ! Purrs
Wishing you guys loads of luck 🙂
Great choices! Best of luck and have a wonderful weekend!
Good luck!
I haven’t nominated a blog for best design yet so I will nominate you – I do love your blog. What is a micro blog?
Here is how BlogPaws defines a microblog : “Judged on the overall look and feel, audience engagement, and the blogger’s participation in the conversation. Is the page effective in its design and its use of the platform? We are looking for active engagement, sharing, consistency in purpose, original blogger content, creativity and visual appeal, where appropriate. Platforms eligible for nomination are: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and Instagram”. Purrs
We’ve got to get cracking on our nominations!!!
Good luck!!! : )
You have no chance : we have the best blog designer ever, a certain Miss Glovatsky MOL ! Purrs
MOL!! We agree!! Heee! Wishing you the best of luck! We didn’t think about the microblog entries – cool idea too!
haha!!! You’re too sweet : )
Weez hopin’ too win sumfin’ too. Yous did pick sum gweat fotos. they be so cwisp and clean and hav such gawjus kitties in ’em. Weez fink y’all awe always gawjus tho’. Good Luck.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
Thank you ! Good luck to you too ! Purrs
Good luck!!
Good luck!
We judged the awards last year and it was really hard. Best of luck!
ooooo… we’ll pop on over to the site… AFTER mom gets back from the store with more FOODS!!!! How could she and dad have forgotten yesterday… we may starve on the dregs left in our bowls before she returns…
Seriously, good luck friends, we love you!
Harry, Dexter, Tipp and Willow
Good luck!
Purrs xx
Athena and Marie
Good luck!!!
Good luck !
We really like your blog 🙂
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ
Thank you ! Purrs
We wish you the best of luck, you have beautiful photos and a great design…love that photo of Zorro with his back foot still in the air…
It would be our pleasure to nominate you dear furiends in several categories and will do so right now. Calista Jo wanted to let Zorro know that she is on today’s blog, Monday Jan.26, and that it is a giveaway for a Lilly Brush Be Forever Furless. She sends a kiss back to him. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Ooohh, thank you so much ! Purrs
pixie & zorro….we will be mor N happee ta nominatez ewe…N de best oh fishes as well ♥♥♥
I think the photos on today’s post are winners!
You have a lot of great things on this blog! I’m sure that you will have many nominations 🙂 Good luck!
Good luck with your nominations!
Good luck! We would love to be nominated, but since more than likely that will not happen, we aren’t going to blog about it. Last year I blogged about it hoping to be a finalist (and every year before that), never was, so not even going to bother this year.
We hope you’ll have a good surprise this year ! Purrs