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Monday quote :

The big mystery which hangs over cats, it’s the reason why they agreed to be domesticated. C. Mackenzie

Have a good week !


PS : we didn’t visit your blogs or didn’t comment since Friday because Claire didn’t feel well this weekend : having called her friend Hugues on Saturday in the big white telephone in the bathroom, she so much had a headache until Sunday afternoon that she didn’t bear 5 minutes at the computer. All our apologies !

15 thoughts on “Mystery

  1. Georgia and Julie

    We like that quote and we keep the mystery 🙂
    We purr that Claire is feeling better.
    We bet you and Pixie looked after her all weekend.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  2. da tabbies o trout towne

    pixie & zorro…noe knead ta apolgize…hope claire iz feelin way better reel lee soon, …. spesh a lee coz her kneadz ta get ewe guyz yur foodz N stuff !!! 🙂 ♥♥♥

  3. When the cat is away

    I’m sorry to hear that you were feeling bad! I hope your headaches are better now. 🙁

    For the mystery: I guess you always have to make sacrifices for your carrier. You can only become a boss if you have servants living with you.

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