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All good things must come to an end, even the holidays…
Today, it’s the resumption of work for Claire. The children will go back school on August 21st, but for the teachers, it’s the moment to put themselves in the school atmosphere again, to prepare copies, to decorate the class, and to refine the welcome activities planned for the first days.
As Claire is also an executive assistant (“dean”), it’s the moment too to prepare the teachers meeting and to settle the last details of the start of the school year with the management team.
All this to tell you that she’s abandoning us all day long ! Good thing Momo is there today, but we’ll better get used to being a few hours alone from time to time again.
What do you mean, « you’re sleeping anyway » ? Absolutely not ! We are bored of every minute’s absence of our humans, but we do it with our eyes shut…
All right, we exaggerate a little, but hardly : we prefer when our humans are at home all the same, even if we’re sleeping.
Good start of the school year to all the children and to all the teachers !
oh wow is it that back to school time again? we have to wait till september 3th till we have our quiet hood back…
I know how you kitties feel – my human was at CatCon all weekend without me, and I was NOT pleased she was away all that time! I’m glad she usually works at home. I would not like her to be away all day on a regular basis.
Back to school here is August 16th so I guess the next couple of days will be busy for families with kids getting ready for school AND enjoying every last second of “off time” ! Hope you all do not feel TOOOO lonely with your Mom gone all day…..I say SNOOZE is the operative word!
Hugs, Teddy
At least you have the summer together. There are no teachers in this family so there is ALWAYS work.
that is why I am happy mum is retired now. She may go away for short times, but she is home more so I get more loves. I like that.
Wishing Claire a wonderful school year! My husband taught Special Ed in the Inner City of Detroit for 36 years. (He was forced into retirement about 6 yrs ago). I know how hard it is to be a teacher and they are ALL grossly UNDERPAID! My husband now substitute teaches and I can’t wait for him to return after Labor Day lol
pixie N zorro; kidz round heer will bee catchin de bus furst thing two morrow; we like ta watch out de window N see how fast de jack ass driver drivez down de street; himz knot spozed ta travel like at 900 milez per hour ~~ but they due any way ~~~~~~
Just sleep ALL day and stay awake playing ALL night long!
Oh goodness! Cats must have human attendants at ALL TIMES…what are you going to do? If The Hubby wasn’t home with Angel and Chuck, I am sure chaos would reign while I’m away at the office. Hehehehe!
We hope Lonely Season isn’t too bad for you sweeties!
We prefur our humans to be home too – even if we ignore em sometimes.
I know you will miss Claire, but there are the weekends to look forward to. The children don’t go back to school here for another 3 weeks in the beginning of September.
It’s always hard when vacations end! Maybe absence will make the heart grow fonder!
Been there, done that – for 31 years. Best wishes to Claire and her staff and students fora good year !
I’m sorry Claire has returned to work. It is so much nicer to have our people home with us. I Don’t see you give many updates about Momo, but it sounds like he’s spending more time at work too, which is good because that means his recovery continues to go well.
I know my kitties prefer it if I am home even when they are sleeping.
Poor Claire, she deserves a longer vacation. And you two deserve someone always home to cater to your every whim.XO
School started for the students here today. It seems as if our summer vacations get shorter and shorter. I hope that you have a fantastic school year!