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Since June, we’ve been experiencing hot temperatures and a terrible drought, as has the rest of Europe.
The grass is completely dry, some trees have lost their leaves, the fire risk is at its highest level in weeks, and there are water restrictions everywhere.

It’s in these extreme conditions that I’m going to celebrate my 10th birthday.

You’re all invited ! For the reasons I just mentioned, there will be no barbecue ; the party will start inside, in the cool. Several tiled spaces equipped for a nap will be available.

We will then go out at nightfall, when the temperatures are more bearable, to continue the festivities in the garden. Come join us !
Fire risk … that scares me! We hope you have a fabulous birthday, Zorro!
Happy Purrday!!! Thank you so much for inviting us to your party. We wish we could send you our rain. A Tropical Depression has been sitting in the Gulf dumping water on us for ages. We are having a wetter than usual summer. We do wish Mother Nature could get her act together and spread the rain around to areas that need it, and give the rest of us a chance to dry out.
Happy 10th Birthday Zorro ! I hope you get some rain for your birthday. XO
We are having a very dry “rainy season” too. Happy Birthday!!! Ten is a great age to be!
Happy Purrthday Zorro. Wow, your grass is super dry, hope you get some cooler temps and rain soon.
Your birthday celebration will be epic, Zorro, despite the heat and drought.
We’ve seen images of big rivers that are now dry beds, and are concerned for all of you.
How exciting! We are looking forward to your pawty Zorro. This heat and drought is sapping all of our energy – good idea to take a nap on cool tiles.
Happy Birthday from all of us handsome Zorro!
Happy happy 10th Birfday sweet Zorro!!
Wee been reedin online ’bout THE *hot*an dry weather there an thru out Europe!
Iss scarey fore sure!
Mee will tellyport over from THE Bedroom Tellyport Closet an brin sum reeniess Catnip an Salmon Crunchie treetss fore efurryone…..
Heer mee comess…..
***nose rubss*** BellaDharma an **Best Wishess** an <3 BellaSita Mum
dood, a most epic lee awesum ten two ewe N heerz two ten mor, long witha
yeer a head filled with happeez and healtheez. we hope for yur birthday ewe
get much kneaded rainz and cool weatherz. we hope all iz well with pixie, claire
N momo…we haz knot been abe bull two vizit late lee. happee day buddy ❤️
Happy Birthday Zorro! It’s been hot here but we’ve been blessed with some HEAVY rain today and more coming tomorrow. I think we’re all in for some changes in our weather!! Have a super duper special birthday dear friend. AND stay cool!
Hugs, Teddy
Happy Purrthday Zorro ! We hope you have a great – and safe – celebration.
I hope you have a very “cool” 10th birthday.
It’s been hot here too, Zorro, so I’ll be happy to celebrate your birthday inside where it’s cool. ~Ernie
Sounds like a great party! Happy Birthday. We sleep all day and run around all night when it is cooler. Your party should start at moon rise I think. When we see it, we will party here too!
Happy Birthday #10, Zorro!!
Hope you get some much needed rain and cooler temps!
Dang, we’re sorry it’s been so hot and dry there, Zorro. But we hope you have a wonderful 10th birthday. Hope your celebration is special — just like you! XO
Sorry it has been so hot and dry Zorro! Purrs you get rain soon and cooler temperatures!
Be sure to have lots of FUN even if you need to stay indoors. Hope it is cooler inside!
Purrs, Julie
Happy 10th Birthday Zorro ! Hope the weather cools down!
We almost hate to say we have been getting good weather here. Cooler than usual temperatures and more than average rain. TBT says, well, it has to fall “somewhere”. We wish we could spread it around better though. We would like things to be easier for ALL kitties and Beings…
oh no Zorro!!! I am so sorry we are sooo late for your birthday! I am hoping it has cooled off since then!! You poor thing! Hoping your birthday turned out well, Happy Happy belated 10th! xoxo