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This post is a little bit hard for us to write : we’ve been blogging for more than 12 years and it looks like we’ve said everything we wanted to say.

We started blogging in 2012, and it’s so different now…
Our human is school principal since 2020 : it’s very exciting but very time-consuming. One day, someone used that blogging part of her life to throw personal attacks against her ; sadly, it looks like it broke our blogging mojo. It looks like we don’t have much to write anymore since then.
We’ve made wonderful friends in the blogosphere, and you have all enriched our life : thank you so much for that.

We’re not sure to leave the blogosphere definitely so for now, we’ll pop up from time to time to say hi and keep in touch with you, blogging friends.
Purrs and hugs

Oh, my, this is a sad time, but if you keep in touch every now and then it will be fine. We know how life can interfere with time constraints and things like that.
I am sorry that some nasty person decided it was appropriate to insult you or your blog, whata shame.
May you all stay happy and enjoy the things that give you pleasure. Au revoir, and see you here sometime in future posts.
We loved your blog, by the way, and all the wonderful picgtures you sent of the kittie and the places you visited.
This makes us very sad. We have always treasured your friendship. We hope you will occasionally let us know how you all are doing. Sending much love your way. ♥ ~Murphy and the Lady
Why don’t you do what I do? I had been blogging extremely consistently from 2009 until my boys passed in 2020. Since 2020 I only blog when the mood hits (which is rarely). Blogging isn’t at all what it used to be, nor is it as important as it used to be. We all would like to hear from you but I for one completely understand when the blogging mojo just isn’t there. It hasn’t been there for me for nearly 5 years. So…… attitude is if I blog I blog, if I don’t I don’t and so be it. Just do what works for you.
I am sorry but respect your reasons and, if your heart isn’t inspired you will not write from the heart. BUT please drop by from time to time and we will give you warm welcome
Us too, we are so sad to see this news today. We value your friendship and we always looked forward to seeing posts from you. Thank you for all you have done to contribute to the success of The Cat Blogosphere over the years. Love and hugs from all of us.
I am sorry to see you go. I hope you continue, even if only a little. I have been blogging since 2012, too. I have seen many blogs I follow disappear. Some I wish would post even once or twice a year, so I know they are still okay.
I’m very sad to see you stop blogging. Totally understand how time-consuming it can be especially with a very busy job. You have brightened the blogosphere for so many years and I’m so glad for your friendship. Please don’t be a stranger!
We’re so sad to read this news, dear friends, but we do understand. We are so grateful for your friendship, and hope you will pop in once in a while to let us know how you are all doing. XO
Wishing you all the very best.
Good luck to you, and snuggles to your furbabies.
I am sorry that happened to you. Please don’t let some mean people ruin blogging for you. I am glad that you will still post sometime. I have come to love you all and want to see photos of sweet Pixie and Zorro sometime. XO
I have only just got here. I wish I had known of you sooner! I am deeply sorry that someone was mean and ugly. But the rest of us aren’t like that. I have only just met you and I would love to know you and your babies better. I wish you wouldn’t go. One of my sons, and a daughter-in-law teach.
Please reconsider. Don’t allow anyone to try to lessen your light in the world. XX
Has to be said I get what you are saying, since Speedy crossed the rainbow bridge and the loss of so many hedgehogs that we have rescued I have struggled to blog as well. Even though I have Titch blogging is not the same So we blog when we feel like it and it takes the pressure off so now it feels a bit easier to do it. No pressure, no rules or schedules to have to get a blog post out and it makes it nice now. Hope to hear from you when you feel like doing a post, we love you lots xoxo Mum Rachel and Little Miss Titch
Apologies, I originally put my comment on the French version.
I am sorry that someone was making nasty comments on the blog. Even though you can delete them you know they were there. We will be sorry if you go completely and hope you will make occasional visits to the blogs.
I have enjoyed your posts and shared your sadness of losing Loupi, I think the year after Eric passed. I will miss you but know that your work takes so much time.
We just wanted you to know that we “get” why you are pausing a bit……my Mom is thinking about doing the same thing. Blogging is fabulously fun but also a lot of work – and we’ve SOOO appreciate being your blog friends for so many years. What we REALLY want you to know is that we wish you all well – whatever you decide to do but taking a step back is a good idea especially as busy as you are these days! We wish you well and sending you hugs……..
Love, Pam and Teddy
Hello … it’s never really goodbye … dear Claire (Momo, behind the scenes) … sweet Pixie and Zorro! How much have you filled our lives with beauty. The beauty of your homeland and your travels. The fun and drama of reconstructing your home and gardens!!! The joy and daily lives of the antics of two beautiful kitties. It’s been a wonderful journey, thank you. Know you’ll be missed. Purr-haps you’ll peek back in from time to time to share a moment with us again, and until then: be well, be happy, enjoy all! Ann and June
pixie N zorro….we haz a sayin heer in trout towne, itz never troo lee good bye, just, see you later . de gurl total lee getz what claire meenz tho, and while her shuld never let otherz influence her, in any way, itz hard when the fun of blogging iz gone. sum timez a step back and take a brake iz all thatz kneaded. all of uz heer in TT wish ewe both, claire and momo two, all de best and want ta say thanx mew for yur friendz ship over de yeerz. we haz troo lee N joyed yur blog, travel fotoz, yur fotoz and storeez. with hugz and lovez frum each oh uz two all oh ewe hope ta see ewe again sum time ‼️
We’re sad to see you go. We hope you do come back now and then.
So sorry to see you go, Zorro and Pixie and the mom. We were standing in your shoes also a few times after a rough comment, but after a few weeks the empirer striked back! We’re glad to hear that you come back once in a while too, so we don’t have to say goodbye for always. Double Pawkisses for a Happy Times ahead ♥♥♥
We will miss you very much. We know how hard it is to keep going when horrible people use your platform to tear you down. We’ve been through this many times, sometimes to our face, other times directed at our cats, Quint in particular, who used to paint. Please know your back has all of us. Your blogging tone may change but your loving, cheery spirit won’t. Take care and we hope to see you here again.
We’ll be here if you decide to pop in and say hi again!
I completely understand taking a break from blogging. We always enjoy your posts and hope you will still post from time to time, especially any important events. Take care of yourselves, and enjoy your other activities.
We come to bring Extra Pawkisses for a Happy Gotcha Day to Zooro ♥♥♥ Have a wonderful day dear furriends 🙂