ZORRO : little by little, Claire let us get to raw feeding.
She inquired, read with a lot of interest articles of friends who feed already like that, she still inquired, and to be sure, still inquired. She finally stopped inquiring after 2 years, and to our immense relief, she started.
It’s at the time of preparing our first meal that she had a big existential interrogation : to grind or not to grind ?
It’s necessary to know that raw feeding comes in three variants :
- Grinding : all the ingredients are grind together.
- Franken Prey : the meat is roughly cut into pieces, and every meal represents artificially a whole prey (meat, giblets and bone) in the good proportions (just like Frankenstein with his creature 😉).
- Whole Prey : small preys as chicks, mice, … are served whole. Mother Nature did right, and all the nutriments which we need are present in the good proportions.
Claire chose the Franken Prey model. She also thinks of ordering us frozen chicks as soon as she will have bought a small freezer only for us.
Raw food… It’s as if I had waited for this moment for all my life ! What happiness ! It’s almost as delicious as a sparrow or a mouse freshly hunted !
Pixie is less enthusiastic : she eats two or three pieces of meat then has enough. She likes chicken necks, but is not fan of giblets. That’s going to happen…
A huge thank you to all these people and all these buddies for the quality information we found on their site :
- Cornelius & Elizabeth – Meow Lifestyle
- Newton, Pierre & Ashton – Sometimes, Cats Herd You
- Charlie, Max, Ava, Amber, Coco & Millie – Pawesome Cats
- Christy, Echo & Ocean – Christy Paws
- Tribu Carnivore
- CatCentric
- Raw Fed Cats