C’est mon anniversaire ! It’s my birthday !

English below

C’est mon anniversaire aujourd’hui ! J’ai 5 ans ! Comme cadeau, j’ai reçu quelques grosses crevettes de la part de Claire et Momo, j’ai donné une baffe supplémentaire gratuite à Zorro, et je me suis offert une sieste « spécial anniversaire » : quelle belle journée !

It is my birthday today! I am 5 years old ! As present, I received some big shrimps from Claire and Momo, I gave a free additional slap to Zorro, and I offered myself a « special birthday » nap : what a beautiful day!


20 réflexions sur « C’est mon anniversaire ! It’s my birthday ! »

  1. RedSetter

    Joyeux anniversaire, Loupi. I am thinking you are probably a lovely cat but cant quite tell from the photo as you seem to be the same shape as one of those delicious prawns you had for your present.

    I enjoyed your bilingual post and tried hard with my little bit of French to read the top part. However, I am not that good as I totally miss read the part where you gave poor Zorro a bonus slap! Enjoy the rest of your birthday.

  2. Hannah and Lucy

    Happy, Happy Birthday Loupi – we bet those shrimps tasted delicious. Have a great day. Enjoy your special birthday nap and giving Zorro a smack.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. Sparkle the Designer Cat

    Bon anniversaire, Loupi! I think the best part of your day must have been the bonus slap to Zorro!

    BTW, I used the Google translate for fun, to see how it translated your post – and you are doing a MUCH better job than they are!

  4. Jan's Funny Farm

    Hi, We think you volunteered to do an interview with us for Mousebreath? (That’s great ! We’re happy to meet new furry friends all around the world, so why not an audition ?) We notice you have a Google translate widget on your blog, which is great! But we can’t find an email address. If you are interested, our email address is jansfunnyfarm@gmail.com

  5. albertdegouttiere

    Cher Loupi,
    Bon anniversaire, en retard, je suis désolé!
    Je crois que j’ai cafouillé et que je me suis emmêlé les moustaches dans le « nom d’utilisateur », en essayant de t’envoyer un commentaire la semaine dernière 🙂
    Je t’y disais que puisque tu as 5 ans, tu as droit à 5 baffes gratuites à Zorro 🙂
    Bonne semaine!

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