Tag Archives: Food

Thankful Friday : Schulze Heimtierbedarf

Pixie with a Neko Fly
We dreamed we could play with a Neko Fly : we had so much heard about it by our American furriends ! Thanks to a German friend (we completely forgot who !), we learnt that we could find it at Schulze Heimtierbedarf : our dream became true !

We shared our enjoyment with Nekochan and Schulze Heimtierbedarf, and not long after, we received an enormous box : Dirk Schulze sent us toys and samples of products which we can find at Schulze Heimtierbedarf. How generous !
Schulze package
Litter :
Soft Cat Litter
Toys :
Schulze nip

Tick Tock Teaser
Food :
Schulze food
As we do not review food, we chose to offer the food we received to a shelter..

Treats :
Schulze treats
We kept those ones !

And another Neko Fly !
Neko birbug
We’ll tell you about these various products in the next weeks. Good weekend !

These products were given us free of charge and we did not receive other compensation. The expressed opinions are only ours.

The promise of Almo Nature

Almo1The quality of our food was always a important point for Claire, because she knows that it’s one of the keys of our good health and our well-being. As she doesn’t have time to cook for us, she chooses the food of the best quality for us : natural, without chemical additives, and developed with top-quality ingredients. This food has then to take our test of tasting : Almo Nature made a success of it easily.

Almo Nature is a brand the purpose of which is to propose the best food for dogs and for cats. It proposes food consisted of pure ingredients and without additives in innovative recipes. Raw materials used in Almo Nature products are fit for human consumption. We can confirm you that it’s not only healthy, but it tastes very good also !

Almo Nature commits to love, respect, and animal protection ; the company supports everywhere in Europe concrete projects to help needy animals, and gave a name to this commitment : Almore. “Almo”, “amore”, Almo Nature has indeed Italian roots.

To illustrate its ethical values and its universe, Almo Nature makes regularly use of artists ; this year, it’s the short film of Gabriele Salvatores «The Promise” that interprets the philosophy of Almo Nature by staging wolves and people : a poetic universe and magnificent images tell the evolution of the relation between people and the wolf become dog.

To discover this beautiful story of whole mutual respect, click here. We’ll tell you particularly about Almo Nature food in a next post.

the wolf

Behind the scene

the staff

Behind the scene

This post is sponsored by Almo Nature. We are being compensated for helping spread the word about Almo Nature, but we only share information we feel is relevant to our readers. All reviews on The Swiss Cats will always reflect our honest opinions.

How to choose a healthy food for your cat

Pixie149There are hundreds of food brands for us ; cat food is sold in the supermarket, in specialized stores, or at the veterinarian.
We find wet food, dry food (kibbles), or still semi-wet. Prices can be multiplied by nine between the cheapest and the most expensive product.

In Europe, Nestlé Purina (Félix, Friskies, Gourmet, Vital Balance in supermarket, and Purina in specialized store for example) and Masterfoods (Whiskas, Kitekat, Ronron, Sheba in supermarket, and Royal Canin in specialized store) realizes roughly 2/3 of the sales ; the rest is divided between the own brands of the distributors, Procter and Gamble (Iams), Colgate-Palmolive (Hills), and some rare independent small companies.

How can the humans find themselves there ?

  • By showing common sense : quality has a price. A wet food containing less than 8 % of meat and ingredients of low quality will be cheap, but won’t have the same nourishing properties as a more expensive food containing at least 25 % of meat developed with good quality ingredients.
  • By inquiring : veterinarian, specialized literature, specialized web sites. You can give us factory feedstuffs, or prepare us yourself our meals (BARF or cooked dishes); this last option requires however good knowledge in feline nutrition. A cat is a strict carnivore, and his food has to bring to him, in percentage of dry material : 30 to 40 % of proteins, 10 to 15 % of fats, less than 45 % of carbohydrates, as well as several vitamins and key nutriments as taurine and arginine. Wet food will have a bigger proportion of proteins than dry food.
  • By making the best choice for us : your human has to take into account his budget AND your health ; he must however know that by saving up on the quality of the food, he can maybe find himself with veterinarian’s more important expenses in a few years.

Claire chose to feed us mainly with top-quality wet food ; we just get some kibbles for night, but they’re also top-quality. We’ll explain you in another article why she chose this food brand for us.
In the meantime, here are three books that we recommend you to read about pet food ; we don’t know if there are translations in your human’s language.

In French : toxic croquettes R toxic croquettes V
In English : food pets die for R food pets die for V
In German : katzen kaufen R katzen kaufen V

Enjoy your meal !