Before and after Chrissymouse

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Loupi supervision biscuitsWe were fairly occupied in this festive period, as you all moreover. Here is a summary of our activities of these last days :

The day before Chrissymouse, Claire made biscuits. She always makes them at the last minute, because she cannot refrain from eating it, and later it does not remain any more enough of it to be able to offer them ! Loupi snoopervised the operation to verify that she did not eat either too much raw dough, and that the cooking was optimal.biscuits 13Zorro Zalando

We celebrated Chrissymouse in a small group, and we received shrimps.

The following day, Zorro celebrated in his own way Boxing Day.

And this morning, we benefited from an additional present : we learnt that our Secret Paws package, sent December 3rd, had finally come at his addressee.

Zorro52Zorro was already ready to leave in his tunnel of teleportation to bring him all the same a present. But we leave to our correspondent the pleasure to say it more himself !


8 thoughts on “Before and after Chrissymouse

  1. Cathy Keisha

    I’m glad you had a nice Christmas and Boxing Day. Those biscuits sound yummy or at least TW thinks so. I just wanted to tell you that oil heaters also emit carbon monoxide so you really should have a CO detector.

  2. Nerissa's Life

    Sounds like you had a WONDERFUL time and I, too, had a WONDERFUL time, yesterday. I opened my very special prezzies from my very special Secret Paws and I loved every single one of ’em. THANK YOU! They are glorious!!!


  3. Marg

    Wow, sounds like you had a very tasty Christmas and a better boxing day. Those were some nice pressies that you sent to Nissy. Hope you have a really nice day.

  4. da tabbies o trout towne

    loupi & zorro !!! shrimpz iz de best kinda Christmas gift rite next ta sea bass, flounder, herring, snapper, mackerull, flounder, toona, trout & donutz !! happee 2014 two ewe both ~~~~

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