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It was hot, very hot these last weeks, and even if our distant ancestors lived in the desert, we have to protect ourselves from the heat during the day all the same. Here’s a brief reminder of summer best practice ; this advice is also valid for bipeds.
5 tips to bear the heat better in summer
- Always have some water available to hydrate you (inside and outside).
- Stay in the shade and cool during the hottest hours of the day : the cool of the ground under bushes, or the cool of the stone floor in the house are very pleasant and contribute to your comfort. And if you’re lucky enough to have conditioned air, enjoy it !
- Reduce your activity : keep your energy for playing or hunting at dawn, twilight, or during the night.
- Ask your human to keep the house as cool as possible by closing blinds or shutters.
- Ask your human to pet you regularly with a wet wash glove : that’s so good !
- And why not to play with some water to cool your paws ? A basin with some water, toys which float, treats to be caught in small cups, here we are !
It’s been horribly hot here too and the first thing I want to do when I come back inside is have a BIG drink of water. I’m a “faucet drinker” but Mom recently tried letting the sink fill up with water like a little pond and I really love dangling my paws in it AND drinking from it while I lounge on the counter. We leave a bowl of water out on our front porch for passersby who might need a slurp. STAY COOL!
Hugs, Teddy
Hot is not fun and your tips are purrfect! You two keep your cool!
Thank you for the tips to keep cool! We are very glad that we are inside. There are kitties we know of though that are outside and we try to help them with cool water, food and lots of shade.
Purrz from the Katie Katz
Also our guest kittty, Katie Kat had five kittens yesterday!
We like ice cube in our water bowl.
Yes, summertime can be very hard for our little fur babies. Thanks for sharing these tips, so maybe pet owners can help with cooling down and protecting their cat. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
That’s some great advice fur sure. We luv layin’ ’round with the a/c and fans blowin’ cold air at us. Big hugs
Luv ya’
Dezi and Raena
Wonderful and pawesome advice! Purrs to you guys!!
Great hints! We have finally got some heat here in Vancouver, but it is not as hot as it could be and it could get worse!
Pawsome tips for staying cool!
Thanks 🙂
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ
Very important tips! It’s been sizzling lately.
Those are some good tips!
Wonderful post and great photos of both of you. XO
Great tips, Pixie. I’m not allowed anymore to stay in the heat in the afternoon, it makes me sick, so she takes me inside until the late afternoon, so I can bear the heat 🙂 Pawkisses for a COOL Summer 🙂 <3
These are some really good tips!
Those are great tips! We want to try the wet glove one–we never thought of that!
Great tips.
Especially as it’s supposed to be 97 degrees here today!
Have a great Sunday…
Noodle and crew
We live in Florida where it’s hot nearly year round! Thanks for the great tips!
Such important tips, especially since this summer has been so horribly hot!
Oh yes! All good! I lounge on the floor in the bedroom closet when the house gets toasty inside, ’cause the closet seems to stay cool. Lounging under the ceiling fan feels very nice too. Mom will occasionally put an ice cube in my water dish. I’m fascinated when it makes snapple noises as it slowly disappears! Tee hee hee.
that are great ideas to beat the heat… the ice cubes in our bowl sadly landed on the sofa and on the floor… we sorted them all out before we had a drink LOL
Loved the tips especially about hunting at night, which I always do where possible. Sleeping is always best done in a sun puddle indoors, or out. MOL
Toodle pips
I’ve always wondered if the constant noise of a fan is irritating to a kitties highly-tuned ears!?! Thankfully, today is the last day in the really hot weather; storm front moving in soon. I worry about Angel who lives upstairs where is gets hotter, and of course The ‘O’ Cats were live outside, but they have cool shade to nap in (under the wide leaves of the hosta plants.
wavez two ewe pixie N zorro….manee thanx for de tipz…..we wood like ta roll in ice rite now but if we taked it out doorz it wood knot bee ice any mor like in 1.3 minitz !!! 😉 ♥♥
Those are all great tips! It is stupid hot here in Texas too. We stay indoors as much as possible and take walks in the late evening.
Great tips on keeping cool when it’s hot outside. We are lucky here in Chicago, where it gets very hot in the summer, that we have air conditioning to keep us cool.
My cats won’t need to reduce their activity since it mostly involves napping!!
This information can’t possibly be shared enough, especially at this time of year and with everywhere being so hot and dry. Thanks for this timely post!
Thank you, also, for your kinds words today over our loss of sweet Sunny. We very much appreciate them, take comfort with them, and know that Sunny’s spirit does as well.
We have water inside and out. And TBT calls us in every hour to cool down.
Great tips! It’s been too hot for several weeks here in the UK and it’s not normal!
We long for rain. Soothing rain 🙂
You two handle summer like pros!
Mum keeps fans going and we do have AC in the house to run so it doesn’t get hot.
Its been ‘stinking hot’ here lately too, though the past few days have been rather pleasant. Great tips!
Great tips! We have ac but when it wasn’t working TW tried to use her hand hands to cool me off and I left her hands bloody. She ain’t doing that again.
Purrayers abd Power of the Paw to all the people and animals suffering in this unprecdented heat !