This is my little cave of greenery ; I like to hide there to watch what’s happening in the garden. But during the holidays, Claire and Momo went to real caves, much larger: the Vallorbe Caves.
7 million years ago, tectonic movements folded the terrain to form the mountains of the Jura, and the sea that covered the region withdrew definitively. A river meanders above and below ground : the Orbe. Over the millennia, it shaped, with the surface waters, the incredible architecture of the caves.
In 1893, diver Pfund descended into the source to a depth of about ten meters, but he noticed that the vast gallery continued much further. On September 12, 1964, speleologist and diver Christian Giurumello discovered the caves during a dive in a siphon already explored several times. The caves opened to the public in 1974, and since 1992 offer a permanent exhibition of minerals from all over the world, the «Treasure of the Fairies».
The tour lasts about an hour and a half and leads to a huge room where a game of music and light dramatically stages this natural cathedral. From here, the route continues towards the exit via a slightly different path that ends with the exhibition of the treasure of the fairies.
Well, I hope you enjoyed the visit !