Tag Archives: Switzerland

Trip in Switzerland : Solothurn

If the summer has taken some time to arrive, it’s been particularly hot these last days. Our humans are on holiday, and they decided to spend a few days in Solothurn, one of the most beautiful baroque city in Switzerland. See instead an excerpt from their walk in the old town.

Basel Gate :

St. Ursus Cathedral :

The view from the tower of the St. Ursus Cathedral : it’s 66 metres high, and 11 bells are suspended in its bell tower. After climbing 249 steps, you will be rewarded with an extraordinary view of the city and its surroundings.

Clock tower :

Some houses:

Our humans then left the city to go to a place in the region that is called mystical : the Verena gorge and hermitage.
The entrance to the Verena Gorge is about 20 minutes walk from the old town of Solothurn. From there, a route runs along the stream and goes through the forest to the hermitage.

St Verena’s chapel :

St Martin’s chapel :

A hermit still lives there today in a small house.

We were still delighted to see our humans coming home !

Trip in Switzerland : the kingdom of cats

Claire had great time visiting this exhibition which takes place for the seventh time open air and in the barns of Rossinière, a charming Waldesian village nestled at 920 m (3018 ft) altitude in the Pays d’Enhaut.

This contest was created in memory of the famous painter Balthus who lived in Rossinière from 1977 to 2001 (date of death) and who loved cats.

Strolling through the alleys, you can admire nearly 70 cats created by professionals, families, or students. Here are a few :

Oh ! Qu’il est mi(g)non – Marc Cherix
Firmin, Athéna, Polux et Eugénie – Festival au Pays des Enfants
La nuit, tous les chats ne sont pas gris – Bulle d’Air
Chat -brûle – Jean-Daniel Martin
Chatourne en rond – Ueli Tschabold
Le Chafé – Lucien Racine

The exhibition takes place this year from June 11th to September 10th, 2022.