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It snowed a lot this weekend, and our neighbors loved that.
The snow doesn’t disturb Zorro, but me, I don’t like it : I prefer to play the tightrope walker on the edge of the balcony rather than to put a paw in that cold and wet stuff !
Zorro likes snow, I like snow! Maybe Pixie should stay close to the radiator… Horses enjoy playing in the snow, provided they have a dry place to sleep.
No flies here this Monday morning! Temperature -6°C.
We had a snowstorm Saturday night and we have lots of snow too.
We stay indoors as we do not have a play area.
Since snow is cold, we don’t mind being indoors.
You are a sure footed tightrope walker Pixie.
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ
I don’t blame you, Pixie! I don’t think that snow stuff looks like fun at all.
M says it is pretty, but otherwise, we hate snow. We’ve only had one major snowstorm so far this year, which is very unusual. I don’t much like putting my paw in the snow either. D had me outside once when it snowed, and I headed for the patio door really fast. It’s soooooo cold.
Lovely! We might finally be getting snow soon.
OMC, calico on the fence in the snow….wow! We’ve not had it here yet in CT although there are squalls this morning. Love the Horses photo. So your neighbor has horses!!!! Here in CT there are a few farms I drive by on the way to work and love seeing horses in the snow.
Pretty but really COLD looking!!!
The Florida Furkids
Dis donc tu es une acrobate Pixie
I’m with you, that white stuff is scary… my paws are cold and the taste is not like vanilla ice… what a rip off :o)
We don’t like snow much either, Pixie. But we like watching your neighbors having fun in it. 🙂
That sure is pretty but it made my whiskers shiver at bit!
Snow sure is pretty, but it’s also so cold! I don’t blame you for playing the tightrope game and keeping your toesies out of the cold white stuff. Purrs and warm wishes!
That looks very pretty and also pretty cold MOL You did good on the tightrope, Pixie!!
Love the photo of the horses running and playing in the snow! We don’t have any snow here, though it rarely snows where we live anyway. Stay warm, furiends!!
We haven’t any snow left here apart from a little amount on the roof which is sliding down and landing on the conservatory with a bump! We hope you will soon be able to get your toes warm inside.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Pixie, if I were you, I would stay inside where there is no snow and it is warm.
you are so lucky to have horses living by you!!!They are beautiful! Guess what arrived this past weekend? Your Christmas card!!! Thank you sooooooo much!! xoxo
You are clever to keep your toesies warm and dry on your tightrope, Pixie.
We don’t like that cold, wet stuff.
pixie & zorro…yur nayborz R total lee way better N R nayborz….~~~~~ waves two de poneez….we due knot haz much snow but tiz visshuz cold….two cold ta even due any ice fishin ~~~~
happee week a head ♥♥♥
Pixie, you are a talented acrobat. I’ve never seen or touched snow. It looks like it could be fun to make paw prints, but I wouldn’t like the cold.
Great tightrope walking! Even *I* would have a little care doing that. ~ AYLA
Pixie, we’re with you! That white stuff is too cold (BRRRRR) on our toesies!
Today we get our snow. I hope my peeps stay home with me.
That’s a lot of snow…and beautiful pictures… but we’re happy that we only had a tiny little bit of it 🙂 Warm Pawkisses for the occasion 🙂 <3