better don’t ask… we are totally behind this year… and we have not even an idea… apart from the ack ack gun I wrote on my wishlist like efurry year :O)
I can’t stand even thinking about the holidays until after Thanksgiving (sadly, Thanksgiving is always lost in the pre-holiday greed hoopla.)………….I don’t celebrate Christmas, I have Chanukah, I am glad that Chanukah and Christmas are together this year……..but Chanukah gets lost in the shuffle too.
Mom’s out of money, so she is pretty certain she has finished shopping. She’ll start wrapping soon as most gifts need to be mailed across the country. Super cute graphic. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty may, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
MOL Dat’s a lot of stuffs to do. Sometimes it’s good to be poor. All we have to think ’bout is gettin’ da Christmas lights flashin’. MOL Big hugs to ya’ll.
We got nothing for Christmas! Typical for my human.
Not at all!
We leave all that stuff to mum.
At least she has started on getting gifts 🙂
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ
Don’t forget the snow! We, cats, LOVE snow!
“Some will say the essential is Christ Child in a manger,” my Master says…
Snow ? Yuck ! Purrs, Pixie
Not really. We hardly celebrate it anymore.
Sorry, Mum’s in a bit of a Scrooge mood this year. I’m sure she’ll get me whatever I want – but she does that anyway, no need for Xmas.
Purrs xx
better don’t ask… we are totally behind this year… and we have not even an idea… apart from the ack ack gun I wrote on my wishlist like efurry year :O)
Forgot the budget. 🙂
We are ALWAYS ready for Christmas!!!
We’re tired just looking at your to-do list and thinking about all the work. But somehow I will still happen anyway if we are ready or not.
No, first we have to get through Thanksgiving here in Americky.
Oh right, we forgot that you have a crazy end of year : Halloween and Thanksgiving before Christmas ! Purrs
You have a lot on your mind, Zorro!
I can’t stand even thinking about the holidays until after Thanksgiving (sadly, Thanksgiving is always lost in the pre-holiday greed hoopla.)………….I don’t celebrate Christmas, I have Chanukah, I am glad that Chanukah and Christmas are together this year……..but Chanukah gets lost in the shuffle too.
We forgot that you have Thanksgiving : what a busy end of year ! Purrs
Fun word cloud! We are mostly ready, but need to buy wrapping paper and ribbon/bows.
Thank you for the list, I had forgotten some items.
No, we are not at all ready. Mum hasn’t even ordered my Christmas cards yet. I hope she will do it over the weekend.
Our tree is up and most decorations are out! We’re always ready for Christmas 🙂
You forgot “buying a kitty holiday costume!”
No, we’re not ready for Christmas yet. We still have to celebrate Thanksgiving (Nov 24). After that, we’ll decorate for Christmas.
Mom’s out of money, so she is pretty certain she has finished shopping. She’ll start wrapping soon as most gifts need to be mailed across the country. Super cute graphic. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty may, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Ha ha. We’re not even close to being ready. 🙂
We are a tiny bit ready and getting there slowly. It is fun to think about Christmas coming.
MOL Dat’s a lot of stuffs to do. Sometimes it’s good to be poor. All we have to think ’bout is gettin’ da Christmas lights flashin’. MOL Big hugs to ya’ll.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Raena
MOL MOL MOL no at all!!! We’ll worry abut it around the 24th of next month!!!!! MOL MOL
We’ve decided to ‘opt out & stress less’
Basil & Co xox
Oh goodness! We’re not even nearly ready for Christmas!
We’re not even ready for Thanksgiving next week! It’s going to be the busiest season ever. I’m glad Pixie is feeling better xo
Oh! No! Mes not even thought about Christmas Cards!!!
pixie & zorro….. thanx for KNOT inn cludin TURKEE BURD on yur list….ya due knot noe how much we say thanx !!! ~~~~~~~ ☺☺☺♥♥♥