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I meditated a lot on the question with Claire, but also without her :
After some intense meditation sessions, I made the following decision : bye bye MailChimp !
After several years, we’ll leave MailChimp to send our new articles on August 1st ; indeed, a tool on our site allows us to do the same thing (with a simpler design, certainly), and we don’t need all the other features of MailChimp that we’ve never used.
What about your data (email addresses) ? They will be deleted by us before closing the account ; moreover, once a MailChimp account is deleted, all account data is deleted and cannot be recovered. (source : MailChimp).
If you want to continue to receive our news in your mailboxes, just check the corresponding box by leaving a comment ; you can also always continue to follow us with your WordPress account if you have one.
If you have a blog, do you use a third-party tool to inform your readers of your new posts, or do you use a tool already built into your platform ?
You scared me with bye bye. I was afraid you weren’t going to blog anymore. XO
That definitely makes sense. iIke Ellen, we are glad you’ll still be blogging! XO
I used to use Google Reader years ago, then when they stopped I changed to Feedly so will continue to get notifications of your posts.
We’ve been using followit but we’re not real happy with it. Seems to be inconsistent.
Am using whatever Blogger gadget that I found, and it seems to be just fine.
That’s a bee-YOO-TEE-ful belly!
We use the Plug-In Subscribe2 on our WP blog to send notification of our posts. We had a little trouble with it a while back with one of their updates, but it all works now. These are adorable photos of Pixie. So happy you’ll still be around. Calista Jo sends Zorro some kisses. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh
wavez two ewe pixie N zorro…we hope all iz well, we due haz word press
but all sew like two get nooze via email, sum times itz eazier two see / reed
postz that way …..bee happpe N well 🙂 ♥
we forgetted ta chex de box !!!!!!
Always happy to hear from you kitties and Claire!
Definitely want to keep up with you !
We don’t blame you, MailChimp is too expensive. We use Feedly to follow blogs so we won’t lose you!
Happy to hear you will still keep blogging.
We use Blogger. We will likely find you on the internets Pixie 🙂
Purrs, Julie
Cars should never work with chimps
We luvs visits from Pixie and Zorro and don’t want to miss out (oh, and you ~ too, Ms Claire) so will definitely check the box [X] … we’re not super-happy with our subscriber service (it’s follow-it) but don’t work with wordpress which seems to offer the best one. So, we’re still looking for another … take care friends,
meows from Ann and JUNE
You look very lovely doing your meditation Pixie. I will check the box!
Please keep us on the list, too!
Charlemagne and Tamar
Yes, I would appreciate still receiving your posts! Thanks!
Diane and 9 rescued/adopted kitties. . .
I definitely want to get your blog but I am afraid that won’t happen. Mail Chimp IS reliable. Hoping you aren’t using “FollowIt” or whatever the name is……that just stores the blogs in a list and I NEVER, EVER go to lists to read blogs. I use MailChimp and some people get our blog, some don’t.
Thanks for the heads-up, I would like to remain on your distribution please!
Phew! We thought it might be a bye bye to blogging…we hope to hear from you soon!
We just use WordPress features to follow our friends AND to notify them when we do a new post. Probably not as efficient as some other ways but that’s what my Mom does and she’s “THE MOM” who makes the decisions around here!
Hugs, Teddy
It’s always sad to say goodbye to stuff like tools we use but sometimes, I guess, it’s for the best.
Scratch that. It’s ALMOST always say to say goodbye to stuff like tools we use. I could sure do with Peepers sayin’ goodbye to the vacuum. That wouldn’t be sad at all. purrs
We have no idea who send out our posts, we let Wordpurress do all the work. Double Pawkisses for a Happy week ahead to all of you 🙂 ♥
We read you from blogger on Chrome these days. We hope that will continue,
We read you on feedly on Chrome. We hope that won’t stop.
We get your blog through Feedly. So, no changes here for us!
Happy to subscribe again! What a belly, Pixie!
Keep us in the loop SVP
I am glad to meet you at last. You are most beautiful.
Thank you for the well wishes for our sweet Brian.
Just checking in to say hi and hope all is well!