Tag Archives: Blogging

Time has come to say goodbye, or blog on pause ?

This post is a little bit hard for us to write : we’ve been blogging for more than 12 years and it looks like we’ve said everything we wanted to say.

We started blogging in 2012, and it’s so different now…
Our human is school principal since 2020 : it’s very exciting but very time-consuming. One day, someone used that blogging part of her life to throw personal attacks against her ; sadly, it looks like it broke our blogging mojo. It looks like we don’t have much to write anymore since then.
We’ve made wonderful friends in the blogosphere, and you have all enriched our life : thank you so much for that.

We’re not sure to leave the blogosphere definitely so for now, we’ll pop up from time to time to say hi and keep in touch with you, blogging friends.
Purrs and hugs

It’s been a long time

It’s been a long time since we’ve given some news. Why? Because our secretary has an exciting, engaging, and time-consuming role in her human life, a function she loves, just like her team, and she has no sense of priorities: we say «our blog first !» Well no, she puts the priority on sports, activities with family and friends, work, and only then our blog and friends of the blogosphere.

What’s up ?

Zorro made a remake of Easy Rider with a snail. Her little passenger was so well hung that Claire had to take him off literally to put him back in the garden !

He recently sprained himself or something while doing secret cat stuff he’ll never admit to, but other than that, our last visit to the vet shows nothing but positive. Speaking of this, our longtime vet has retired, and it’s a new vet who’s been taking care of us for 2 years: Sarah is very nice, very sweet, and very competent. She gave us a lot of compliments while she was examining us, to the point that we barely realized that she was vaccinating us and deworming us.

We’re doing well, we don’t forget you, and we always think of you; we follow from afar your adventures, your joys and your sorrows, but we think of you. The world is crazy, fortunately the blogosphere remains a friendly and caring place that is good to frequent in these troubled times.

Bye bye MailChimp

I meditated a lot on the question with Claire, but also without her :

After some intense meditation sessions, I made the following decision : bye bye MailChimp !

After several years, we’ll leave MailChimp to send our new articles on August 1st ; indeed, a tool on our site allows us to do the same thing (with a simpler design, certainly), and we don’t need all the other features of MailChimp that we’ve never used.

What about your data (email addresses) ? They will be deleted by us before closing the account ; moreover, once a MailChimp account is deleted, all account data is deleted and cannot be recovered. (source : MailChimp).

If you want to continue to receive our news in your mailboxes, just check the corresponding box by leaving a comment ; you can also always continue to follow us with your WordPress account if you have one.

If you have a blog, do you use a third-party tool to inform your readers of your new posts, or do you use a tool already built into your platform ?