Tag Archives: Humor

Cat licence soon compulsory in Switzerland

The animal welfare legislation come into effect in 2008 made compulsory the skills certificate for the dog holders“.
Every person who has never had a dog has to do a theoretical training course of at least 4 hours on “the needs of his animal, on the way of treating him correctly and on the represented investment, in time and money.
Every person who buys a dog has, even if he already possesses one“, also to attend a training course for dogs of at least 4 hours.
Source : Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office

After the introduction of the dog licence in 2008, Switzerland prepares the introduction of a cat licence for the similar objectives for 2017.

However, contrary on examination of skills for the dogs which takes place outdoor, the final examination for the obtaining of the cat licence will take place in the place of residence of the owner. An expert will stay there during an indefinite duration to examine the following points :

  • Quality and frequency of the food
  • Maintenance of the litter box
  • Cleaning (vomit, wee-wee, poo, other)
  • Bath (optional)
  • Search for hidden cat (in apartment and outdoor if the cat goes out)
  • Meowing translation
  • Interactive game
  • Cuddles (frequency and quality)

Claire and Momo took this examination easily : their skills are attested by the following experts : Angel Isis, Angel Hercule, Angel Céleste, Angel Loupi, and us !
Can you believe that a cat licence will be soon compulsory in Switzerland ?

Happy April Fool’s Day ! You didn’t still believe it, did you ?

Pet Blogger Blooper Round-Up – March

BloopersToday we are joining the Pet Blogger Blooper Round-Up hosted by The Lazy Pit Bull to share some of our silly photos. Every blogger is welcome to join the fun ! This blog hop takes place on the 2nd Friday of every month.

It looks like I wanted to see the lens closer !

Pixie's closeup

Swiss friends, take advantage of this opportunity : place order on Aniland’s website for your favorite pet and benefit 10.- reduction (from 50.- purchases) thanks to the following discount voucher : swisscatblog.ch

Catnip soon forbidden in Switzerland

Further to the illicit use which some humans made of catnip, this one will soon be forbidden in Switzerland.

Indeed, the police and the customs noticed an outbreak of traffic of cat toys the contents of which turned out finally intended for the human consumption. It’s appeared that catnip was sometimes also replaced by another grass with similar smell.

The authorities thus chose to forbid catnip and all fragrant herbs. The ban will soon come into effect on all the territory.