Swiss National Day

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feu.JPGToday, it is August 1st, date of the Swiss National Day. Claire put small flags almost everywhere, it is very funny to play with. She will light Chinese lanterns this evening if it is not too much wind.

The majority of humans are quite incited at the ideaof this day : decorations of houses and gardens, but especially firecrackers, fires and fireworks in the evening. We are lucky, our domesticated humans are not very fond of all which makes noise. They prefer to look at them by far.

We, cats, like not at all this day. It seems that the other animals either. The noise of the explosions terrorizes us. If you are a Swiss cat, it is better to stay at home today.


You can benefit then also of August 1st in peace and in complete safety by eating the rests of the grills that your domesticated will have made in the evening.

Happy August 1st !