Our Advent wreath

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Claire did DIY well yesterday : as every year, she made herself our Advent wreath (strictly speaking, it is not a wreath, it’s rather a line). In these moments, it’s better not to be on her path !
Pixie hidden under the pillow
She bought candles, florist’s foam, ribbon, and balls ; she got back and washed four empty cans of cat ood to make jars, and she cut some extremities of the branches of various shrubs of the garden. Talking about it, she chose the favorite branch of a pal on the fir tree : we have to be the only ones to have an Advent wreath perfumed with tomcat pee !
Avent 2015 1
Claire covered a basket cover with aluminium foil and placed jars inside. Jars were furnished foam wet in which Claire hammered candles and small branches. She then fixed knots and balls with wire. And here is the result :
Avent 2015 2
Avent 2015 3
We were not forgotten : we received an Advent calendar filled with treats : can’t wait for December 1st !
calendrier Avent
Thank you for all your kind comments for a full recovery which very pleased our poor Momo.

35 thoughts on “Our Advent wreath

  1. Sammy

    What a TOTALLY beautiful Advent arrangement!!!! Your Mom is very clever indeed. I also quite like your kitty Advent calendar……I’m going to make sure and add that to my Mom’s shopping list today!!

    Love, Sammy

  2. Marg

    That really is a gorgeous advent arrangement. The Mom did a great job with it and thanks for the nice instructions. You all have a great day.

  3. Ellen PIlch

    She did a great job on the advent wreath. I am so jealous you kitties got an advent calendar for kitties, I never can find those in the US. I made one last year that we will reuse, but it isn’t as cute 🙂

  4. frimousse

    Looks like Christmas is not far away! Even if the snow is gone.
    Yesterday my Mistress went into the attick and brought back a couple of boxes with Christmas “material”. She only set up a wreath on the entrance door. She’ll do the decorating job next week-end, probably.
    As far as the Chrismas tree is concerned, it’s up to RouXy’s Master to decide when he will go to his forest and bring one back on his tractor. It depends on the… Moon.

  5. Little Binky and Granny

    That all looks so beautiful. Seeing this we are getting into the mood, Zorro and Pixie 🙂 We haven’t seen such a lovely calender, yet. I wonder what treats you all get 🙂 Pawkisses for a Happy Advent 🙂 <3

  6. da tabbies o trout towne

    pixie & zorro….how total lee kewl iz thiz !!!!!! claire iz veree much talented……N we hope momo iz on de mend & feelin WAAAAAY better two day ~~~~ ♥♥♥

  7. LP

    That is a really pretty arrangement! Your Mama is very clever. Thank you for showing us how to make one like it 🙂

    the critters in the cottage xo

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