29 thoughts on “Garden, sun, and fun

  1. easy rider

    I love your way to welcome spring… my mom would buy some spring flowers too, but they are sold out here everywhere… maybe she can plant some potatoes in her flower pot instead?

  2. Dragonheart, Merlin, and Devi

    What a wonderful garden! You are all very lucky to be able to enjoy the outdoors! Our mom says she’ll let Merlin out on his harness when it warms up, since she knows he likes to be outside so much. We wish we had a great yard like yours!

  3. frimousse

    Good! Speedy Pixie! Soon you’ll run faster than I! It’s easy training in your large garden.
    Beautiful flowers.
    The Spring is beautiful in your place. So it is in ours. Murderers have not (yet) decided to strike in our region…

  4. LP

    Pixie you looked so happy running in your newly enlarged outdoor space! 🙂 The flowers are lovely. LP hasn’t done much with her garden yet. She is waiting for the rain to end before getting started!

    the critters in the cottage xo

  5. Sammy

    The flowers look beautiful! We haven’t planted anything here yet although our perennials are poking up out of the ground now. First signs of Spring – always makes me feel perky just like Pixie must feel!!!!

    Hugs, Sammy

  6. Tootsie

    It looks beautiful and magical — and so wonderfully Swiss!

    Our weekend was super quiet, but it was gorgeous in Ticino, too!

    Keep on wagging,
    Tootsie and her mom

  7. da tabbies o trout towne

    guys…de flowerz R total lee awesum…N pixie…sew iz yur moovee…we gived it 984 paws UP !!!! way kewl 🙂 ♥♥♥

  8. caren gittleman

    this was so much fun!! Wow do you ever have a great space to run around in!!!!! I want to come over! Mom says your flowers are GORGEOUS and she LOVES how you incorporated the rocks. Love, Cody

  9. Kitties Blue

    What was happening, Pixie? You are super speedy. The flowers are so pretty. Mom won’t plant anything for as much as another month as there is always the chance of a freeze. C.J. sends Zorro a kiss and purr. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona,Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  10. Mickey's Musings

    Those flowers are so pretty and happy looking after a snowy Winter 🙂
    We love the space you have to run around in Pixie 🙂
    We wish mum would build us a space like that.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

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