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You are incredible! You left 53 comments on my commentathon, so I can give 53 CHF to the Haut-Léman shelter.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart !
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You are incredible! You left 53 comments on my commentathon, so I can give 53 CHF to the Haut-Léman shelter.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart !
WOW! That’s GREAT!
Hugs, Teddy
Congratulations on a great result!
You are welcome! Always good to help out shelters!
Congratulations! I am sure it is funds they will be very pleased to receive. A marvellous effort from you and one and all.
Wow, that’s amazing! Congratulations on your successful commentathon, and thank you for your generosity. That will help the shelter so much! XO
Congratulations! And thank you for helping other kitties. XO
you’re welcome!
Hooray, that was wonderful and such a terrific donation!
Oh no! I missed the commentathon! So glad it was such a success! ~Ernie
Concatulationss Zorro!!!! What a lovelee Commint-athon!!!
You did well…. In Catnadian $money$ this iss $72.~ amazin…..
~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum
Wonderful! You look like you enjoy getting a ride from your Peep Zorro! Have fun cutie.
Looking good, Zorro!
That is wonderful!
And we love your transportation method!! MOL!
That is wonderful!
pixie….werd round de fizhin pond iz itz YUR birthday two day…hope yur dayz total lee awesum N ewe N joy ♥♥
heerz two a grate day anda grate yeer a head…lotz oh happeez and healtheez all wayz !!! ♥♥
yeah! Great success!
Happy Easter!