You are incredible! You left 53 comments on my commentathon, so I can give 53 CHF to the Haut-Léman shelter.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart !
You are incredible! You left 53 comments on my commentathon, so I can give 53 CHF to the Haut-Léman shelter.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart !
Yes, already 10 years ! It’s been 10 years since I found a wonderful home on February 17 !
Many friends are not lucky enough to have a forever home and are waiting in a shelter : for every comment left on this post until Friday, February 24th noon (Swiss time), I’ll give 1 CHF to the Haut-Léman shelter.
I dream of giving them at least 50 francs, so go, go, go, and let’s comment !
Angel Loupi ? Angel Loupi ? Zorro calling you. Are you there ?
Remember that little house Momo built for you ?
So, Pixie and I have never really been in it, so we decided to make it available to pals passing through, outside our enclosure. We placed it under the big juniper, a little hidden ; you hardly see it if you don’t know it’s there.
It just remains to put straw in it to make it more comfortable.
I know you’ll agree with this decision, and you’ll keep an eye on our visitors from up there.