Tag Archives: Shelter

With a little delay…

On Tuesday, May 24th, I celebrated my 8th Gotcha Day, but our human didn’t publish anything that day ! I’m very disappointed, because all my friends at the Cat Blogosphere had thought about it.

Nature has given me beautiful flowers throughout the month of May, and just because I celebrate late doesn’t mean I’m going to break with tradition :

for each person who leaves a comment on this post until Sunday, June 5th noon (Swiss time), I’ll give 1 CHF to the Haut-Léman shelter.

7 years ? Already ?

Are you sure? Are you sure that it’s been 7 years since I adopted Claire and Momo ? Oh my, time flies !

But I don’t forget that many friends are not lucky enough to have a forever home and are waiting in a shelter : for each person who leaves a comment on this post until Sunday, May 30th noon (Swiss time), I’ll give 1 CHF to the Haut-Léman shelter.