Category Archives: Living with cats

Sunday bath

In our relationship, it’s always Pixie who comes to get hugs or asks me to give her a bath.

I gladly do it : I start with the ears…

… I continue with the top and back of the head…

… but sometimes I get a little excited, and my approach looks more and more like a wrestling match.

Pixie tries to break free, I get clutchy, she squirms, and finally, it ends like this !

Do grooming sessions ever turn into wrestling at your home ?

How to fight against fleas in a natural way

Recently, Claire suspected me (inequitably) of having fleas. All this because I scratched myself with too much insistence. Me. Pixie.

I was very hurt, and I went to hide under my front-roof. Claire is stubborn, she inspected with a magnifying glass ALL our beds and ALL our baskets in the house, and petted us against the nap, almost deloused like little monkeys, to see if she found a track of these parasites. Nothing at all.

As she’s a big follower of the precautionary principle, she has implemented the last natural trick she discovered : diatomaceous earth. She learnt recently that it was great and harmless to fight against fleas.

What is diatomaceous earth ?

Diatomaceous earth named « calcined », used to clean swimming pools, is to ban ! We speak here about diatomaceous earth of feed quality, named « amorphous », or « not calcined ».

The amorphous diatomaceous earth (dioxide of silicon) consists of very sharp marine microscopic fossils of seaweeds. It has an insecticidal action and without side effects ; strongly abrasive and drying, diatomaceous earth attacks the shell of numerous parasites and crawling insects which empty of their humidity and die by desiccation. It’s necessary to use it with caution because it can irritate eyes and respiratory tracts. It’s harmless for animals in case of licking.

How to fight against fleas with diatomaceous earth ?

Sprinkle beds, baskets, sofas, carpets … diatomaceous earth to clean them up. Avoid putting it too much, and distribute well uniformly. If possible, tap to bring down the surplus of powder. Let act a few hours before vacuuming.

You can also apply diatomaceous earth directly in the coat, against the nap (every 2 days in case of infestation). Avoid the nose and the eyes. Don’t make in and out movements which could create a cloud of powder : diatomaceous earth can be irritating for eyes and respiratory tracts. However, Claire would not do it, because it seems difficult to her to avoid a cloud of powder by applying Diatomaceous earth on a cat who is wriggling …

Diatomaceous earth is generally used dry, but it’s possible to create an anti-fleas spray :

  • A soup spoon (approximately 5gr) of diatomaceous earth
  • One liter of water
  • A bottle spray

Mix ingredients in the bottle. Spray beds, baskets, sofas, carpet,… Once dry, tdiatomaceous earth finds all its properties back.

Diatomaceous earth can also be used for dogs and birds. It also allows to fight against unwanted insects in the house.

Did you already know this natural way to fight against parasites ?

Good news

Since a few days, I bring every evening a big butterfly moth to Claire (scale approximately 12 cms / 5 in) : I know that she loves that, and yesterday, I even brought her two.

She had a funny way of thanking me : in spite of our protests, she anticipated the « Take Your Cat To The Vet” day (August 22nd) and kidnapped us on Tuesday afternoon.

Pixie is a true Zen monk when she is by car, but I sang the song of my people and the lament of the poor prisoner during all the path (forward AND return !)

PIXIE: … and you also peed…

ZORRO : No need to say it to everybody !!

Good news : everything is fine ! Pixie weighs 3,3 kg (7,2 lb) and I 5,8 kg (12,8 lb). Claire thought that I ate maybe too much, but I was saved by the vet : he said that I was very well like that. Phew !

The temperatures finally went down since Thursday, and we even had some rain.

On Wednesday, August 15th, it’s my birthday, and I have a gift for you, then don’t forget to visit us !