Tag Archives: Disappearance

All that water ! How to help animals affected by hurricane Harvey ?

After three months of temperatures around 30 C (86 F), it’s finally cooler : the temperatures fell in a few days from 30 to 18-20 C (64-68 F), and we had rain, a lot of rain, too much rain as here in the area of Graubünden :

However, what we lived in Switzerland is not commensurate with the damages caused by hurricane Harvey.

Several actions are in progress to help animals (and humans !) affected by this disaster. One of the communities of bloggers of which we are a member, BlogPaws, published a list of ressources. We also mobilize for our friends, and we’re going to take part in the action carried out by Dash Kitten in favour of the organization Austin Pets Alive.
How to help animals affected by hurricane Harvey ?
All these organizations bustle to evacuate animals and their owners, get back the wandering animals, and place them in safety. They need supplies, food, and premises for storage or reception. The work to be carried out is titanic, and we are happy to help them thanks to our modest contribution.

❤️ All our thoughts go towards those who suffered from this disaster. ❤️


Cats, firecrackers, and fireworks

Happy early birthday, Switzerland ! On Tuesday, August 1st, we’ll celebrate your 726 years !

Unfortunately for us, humans adore celebrating noisily this kind of event : music and fireworks won’t be lacking.


Image Pixabay

Cats, firecrackers, and fireworks

We hate as much the noise as the vibrations caused by these things. Some cats appreciate the fireworks show from the cosy inside of their apartment, but they are rare. Most of them (and us with them !) is going to hide under the bed, or in a cupboard, or where they feel safe.

What to do with your cat during the national holiday ?

If your cat goes out, keep him inside to prevent him from running away. Close windows to damp the noise, and lower blinds or close curtains, or better, shutters. Turn on the television or put some music to have a background noise. The ideal is to stay with your cat and to attend calmly to your usual activities. Bach Rescue Pets drops can be useful. We also know that calming treats are available on open sale in some countries, but we didn’t find it in Switzerland.

If you already know that your cat will be really very put under stress, anticipate and consult your veterinarian : he can prescribe you a light tranquilizer and advise you.
Cats, firecrackers, and fireworks

10 things to do if your cat disappears

annonce Zorro When I disappeared, Claire and Momo put four days finding me. It is thanks to a hen that they succeeded : the neighbor looked for her hen, saw from afar me, and told it to Claire and Momo. After good moment spent to have a walk in the village, they finally perceived me. Momo moved forward little to me then let me approach. He offered me my favorite treats, and was able to take me in arms to return home (OK, he held me in his arms but one of the hands held so slowly but firmly the skin of my neck to prevent me from floundering and from leaving).

I believe that they found me because they were lucky, because all the blogosphere and the groups of crazy cat people hummed and prayed so that it happens, but also because they knew how to put into practice the following points :

  1. Anticipate : any cat, even an indoor cat, may run away and disappear once or the other time ! Do not wait that the cat disappears to prepare a simple, clear and readable poster in case. Choose a rather big and readable writing, and one or two recent photos. The poster will contain the name of the cat, the date of its disappearance, the portable phone number, the name and the address of the owner of the cat
  2. Anticipate: microchip the cat
  3. In case of disappearance, do not wait to let know that you lost your cat
  4. Warn the neighbors (houses, businesses) by asking them to check their cellar, their garage, and their garden shed
  5. Put posters in the district : choose very visible places (bus stop, mailbox, bancomat, newspapers box)
  6. Put posters in schools surroundings and shopping malls
  7. Warn the shelters of the area and the SPCA
  8. Use web sites planned for that purpose to launch an “lost cat » alert : they are in connection with shelters
  9. Warn the veterinarians of the area and the department of garbage dump
  10. Lead searches on foot around the house, by walking slowly and by calling the cat at regular intervals in the most quiet moments of the day; stop to listen to and look.

Some resources for Switzerland :
