Yoohoo ! YOOHOO !

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«On the occasion of the celebration of 100000th visitor of his blog, our buddy Nerissa created a quite new award, the Yoo-hoo ! YOO-HOO ! Award, and passed it to several prestigious member of the feline blogosphere.

Thus imagine my enjoyment when Hisia gave it to me last week : Yoo-hoo, YOO-HOO ! Good thing I had returned home, otherwise I would have missed it, that would have been stupid, right ?

The rules for accepting the Yoo-hoo ! YOO-HOO ! Award are pretty simple.

  • firstly, post the award on your blog and thank the blogger who gave it to you.
  • secondly, visit at least three of the blogs that are receiving the award along with you and leave a comment.
  • thirdly, tell us all three things you have to celebrate. You know, three things for which you are thankful.
  • lastly, pass along the award to seven other bloggers and let them know you have done so.

Beautiful Hisia, thank you very much to have thought of me for this great award, it comes just at the right time after a few weeks rather animated !

I visit and comment regularly on the blogs which received this award at the same time as me, then concatulations and see you soon friends !

Finally, I celebrate with big Yoo-hoo ! YOO-HOO ! the following three things :

  1. my return at home after four days of disappearance : I do not moreover know really if it is I or then Claire and Momo who celebrates most this event…
  2. the next arrival of Pixie, my younger sister by adoption
  3. the bonds of friendship which I share daily with you all all around the world

«It’s my turn to give the Yoo-hoo ! YOO-HOO ! Award (drum roll) :

17 thoughts on “Yoohoo ! YOOHOO !

  1. Savannah's Paw Tracks

    YOO Hoo! Concats on your award and I celebrate with you for your return home. Stay safe

  2. Kitties Blue

    Zorro, you are looking mighty good, and we were exceedingly happy when you returned home, especially Calista Jo. The three things for which you are thankful are purrfect, and you passed this award on to blogs that are all among our favorites. Good job and concatulations. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  3. da tabbies o trout towne

    zorro…conga rats on your award !!! we are glad you made it home to see it too….a few more weeks and your baby sister will be home ..♥♥♥ YAY !!!!!

  4. Oui Oui

    Concats on your beautiful award! Nissy comes up with the best ones! Thanks for helping us trash our house. It was a resounding success!

  5. LP

    Hi guys! We think our comment from long ago may be in your spam folder because we left a comment when you first posted this! We congratulated you on the award and thanked you for thinking of us. Thank you! Hope this comment goes through 🙂

    the critters in the cottage xo

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