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On Wednesday, we missed Cat World Domination Day organized by Summer in honor of Sparkle, creator of this special day, because Claire was too much occupied with reviewing the characteristics of a teacher at the end of the school year :
Translation : migraine, no hairdresser, irritability, dark rings under eyes, insomnia, tiredness, high rate of caffeine, late, clothes ill-matched, no more jewels, stomach pains, no more voice, weariness, spots on clothes, late housework, programs not finished, no depilation, two different shoes, too much chocolate, heavy legs, back pain, late work, still pizzas, stiff neck, spasmophilia. Bonus : I complicated things with my partner. Bonus 2 : too many parents. Special bonus : I’m gonna get the colleague…
It is every year like that… Our human has no more sense of priorities (normally : cats first !). That will get better after July 3rd…
To help her, we made the bed yesterday morning : it’s nice from us, right ?
Today is a special day too : we wish a Happy Happy Birthday to our blogger friend Jan from Jan’s Funny Farm !
WHAT?? Something else was more important than Cat World Domination Day??!!?? We can’t believer this!
We couldn’t either ! Purrs
That was so nice of you two to help make the bed 😉 heehee
We like the blankie with the kitties on it too.
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ
It sounds like your human needs extra help at this time of year – I’m glad you two were able to step up!
We think you were very helpful yesterday. M wants to know if you would come to our house and work like that. We are so happy to receive our first blog post by you from email. It os up and working now
Yay !
How nice of you to make the bed! My Mom doesn’t seem to appreciate it when I try to do that for her!
Hugs, Sammy
Really ? She’s not grateful ! Purrs
I, Frimousse, think my Mistress wiuld tick everything.
Both RouXy and I help a lot in the house. And in the garden.
You two are great helpers and we’re sure your mom appreciates it…she does, doesn’t she? 😉
Absolutely. And we’re time saver too, as she doesn’t need to put the bedspread. Purrs
You two look like you’re very helpful, and after reading all of that, it sounds like Claire can use the help at the end of the school year!
You two do such a great job helping out around the house!
We help Mum with making the bed quite often but sometimes the door into the bedroom get stuck shut and she’s ages before she can find the key!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Ahh very helpful indeed!!
Happy Birthday Jan!
You are such wonderful helpers!!!
Weez glad fings get better. Mommy has times like this too. Y’all did a gweat job helpin’ Claire out tho’. Weez sure she purreciates it.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
pixie & zorro…we noe claire veree much appreciated all yur help, de bed looks grate !! 🙂
we hope her can enjoy her summer vacation now ~~
heerz two a bigmouth buffalo { yep itza fish } !! kinda week oh end ♥♥♥
Cats first! Cats FIRST! We have to tell our people that too, all the time! Nice job you did on bed making. Most impressive!
what helpful kitties you are! Will you come make our beds?
We would love to help your mom ! Purrs
LP understand purrfectly! She used to teach! Ack! But the summer holiday will arrive and then Claire will be your slave 100 percent!
the critters in the cottage xo
I like to “help” make da bed too, MOL!
I think you did a great job making the bed!
Your Mom is lucky to have such sweet kitties .
We have never seen teachers. But we did see a cartoon TBT found. It showed “Single Woman” with long gorgeous hair. Then “Engaged Woman” with shorter more managable hair. Then “Mother Woman” with very short knife-in-eleltrical-outlet frizzled hair.
Is it something like that?
It’s super stressed short hair woman here 😉 Purrs
You are very sweet cats and we just wanted to let you know you won the Scratch ‘n Shapes, Adopt-a-Cat Scratcher Donation Program from Imperial Cat giveaway on our blog. You had requested the scratchers go to Layla Morgan Wilde of Cat Wisdom 101 for her shelter – New Rochelle. Thank you so, so much. I am sure her heart is broken with the loss of Radish, so this was very kind of you and your human.
Well, that’s one way to make the bed…
have a wonderful weekend!
Noodle and crew
That’s certainly one strategy when it comes to making the bed lol.
I think parents feel the same way at the end of the school year too, so you’re in good company!
Well my mom-person forgot all about Cat World Domination Day *sigh*
What do you think about that??
The NERVE of your Mom and her poor “excuses”!
That is the BEST bed making job!
This is so sweet of you, Zorro and Pixie. Moms and Granny’s deserve all the help they can 🙂 Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday 🙂 <3
Great job with the bed guys! You two are definitely some helpful kitties 🙂
Hehe, I wish my furkids would make the bed for me!
You are very helpful kitties indeed! Please thank your mama for being a teacher, one of the most important jobs in the world!
Love & Biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
It was so nice of you to help your mom make the bed. If she needs reminding of the proper priorities, just give her a few smacky paws, MOL!