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The weather is beautiful and very hot these days (30C), and we enjoy the garden with Claire, Momo and a string.
We hope for some thunderstorms in the evening to refresh the atmosphere and water the nature. And we don’t forget our Californian friends who have to deal with one of the worst droughts of their history.
Very cute pictures! I’m very jealous of your garden. I’d love to let my cats out, but I need to get proper fences first. I’m only a tenant here (and don’t have money), so I can’t let them out. I’ve just ordered some leashes, let’s see if they like it.
Looks like you two are having fun 🙂
We have sun today, but rain tomorrow and out temps are not as hot as yours.
However, indoors, it is always nice 🙂
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ
It has been terrible here in California – no rain, but it has been overcast and gloomy every day so no sunshine either!
You are all active HOT cats, MOL!
Great photos and I also LOVE to play with string – especially if I can be outside having fun at the same time!
Hugs, Sammy
You two are really enjoying your time outside. Stay cool!
Strings are lots of fun 🙂 Beautiful photos.
It’s lovely to see you both playing outside in the sunshine. We’ve been inside more today as it is very hot here.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
So gorgeous you are playing outside. Our hots are due to arrive later today through the weekend. No outside playing for us. We’ll be upstairs in the cool room with a fan. Stay cool!
pixi & zorro…enjoy yur garden times with claire & momo; we hope ewe get de rainz ewe knead….a grate fotoz shoot two day two !!! 🙂
heerz two a righteye flounder kinda week oh end ! ♥♥♥
We’re jealous you get to go outside and enjoy all the plants and sunshine.
Looks like you are enjoying the good weather. We are supposed to be having a mini heatwave, but it seems to have forgotten where I live.
Mee-you Claire an MoMo iss nice to visit you here…Momo you look just like mee Pappaw King George!!!
Oh mee iss Purrince Siddhartha Henry an mee iss at Thee Purrfect Pad…..
Mee just wanted to stop bye an meow to youss…
Have a wunderfull day!
Yurss Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=
Thanks for stopping by with your well wishes for Radish. These happy pic helped with my stress.
Those are great pictures – thank you for sharing!
I am loving this weather. So grateful summer is starting early. Cats actually do much better with warm weather than cold so I’m sure your cats are enjoying the sunshine. 🙂
Y’all be lookin’ gawjus. Enjoy yous time outside and be careful.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
It sure looks like you were having fun out there and I hope you get some rain soon. Have a fun weekend!
Looks like you’re having a ton of fun outside!
Lovely photos of you both enjoying the outdoors and the string makes it all the better for sure!
Pixie still plays like a kitten.
You look very happy to be outside! 🙂
It’s hot here too..I like to sit in the window and watch the world go by.
Noodle and crew
You guys look like you’re having so much fun. I (Lola) just LOVE your string!
Lovely pics!
We don’t like it when it’s too hot.
Purrs xx
Athena and Marie
You are lucky ! Here it’s still a little cool !
Your garden is beautiful! It was soooo hot today in the Ticino — we went up to a high elevation, but it was hot there, too! Thunderstorms and rain tonight. Hope it will cool off.
Thanks so much for your sweet note to welcome us back to Switzerland!
Tootse (and her mom)
Hope it cooled off for you!!! I LOVE calico kitties!!